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Transgender & Intersex Solidarity Resources

Many of the anti-transgender bills introduced across the country, including those targeting transgender athletes and transgender people's access to medical care, also impact intersex people. Below is a list of resources with more information on why trans & intersex solidarity is so important.


What is intersex?

interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth


Anti-Transgender Legislation Affects Intersex Kids, Too!

interACT, 2020.

This page draws the connections to why medical care ban bills are harmful to both transgender and intersex communities.


Intersex surgery is condemned by the United Nations. Anti-trans bills are allowing it.

Kate Sosin, The 19th. 2023.

Nearly two-thirds of anti-transgender medical care bans introduced in 2023 also included language to allow doctors to continue to perform surgeries on intersex children.


Hormone Levels Are Being Used to Discriminate Against Female Athletes 

Grace Huckins, Scientific American, 2021

This piece investigates statements made around hormones and the ways biology has been used to bar intersex women from elite sport.


4 Myths About Testosterone

Rebecca M. Jordan-Young & Katrina Karkazis, Scientific American, 2019

The authors discuss four major myths surrounding testosterone and its effects on athletic performance and how they have been used to police trans and intersex women’s bodies with the intent of barring them from sport.


How Medicine's Fixation on the Sex Binary Harms Intersex People.

Meghan McDonough, Scientific American. 2022.


Sex Testing: Gender Policing in Women’s Sports

Lindsay Parks Pieper, University of Illinois Press, 2016

This paper explains the history of sex testing in sports and how it negatively impacts all women athletes.


“They’re Chasing Us Away from Sport”: Human Rights Violations in Sex Testing of Elite Women Athletes

Human Rights Watch, 2020.

This 2020 report explains how racism, sexism, and misogynoir have fueled sport governing bodies’ invasive practice of sex testing of elite women athletes.


Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex

Elizabeth Reis, Johns Hopkins University Press. 2021.


Testosterone: An Unauthorized Biography

Katrina Karkazis and Rebecca Jordan-Young, Harvard University Press. 2019.


Fair Play: How Sports Shape the Gender Debates

Katie Barnes, St. Martin's Press. 2023.



interACT uses innovative legal and other strategies to advocate for the human rights of children born with intersex traits.


Transathlete is a resource for gender inclusion policies in sports at various levels of play. Anti-trans sports policy and legislation often impact intersex athletes as well; believes trans and intersex solidarity is essential in fighting back.


The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE)

The National Center for Transgender Equality advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people. The organization also does work around trans and intersex solidarity.


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